Today, children spend most of their time at school or in spaces where a non-formal equation is given for extra curriculum activities. This makes it imperative that all areas to which they have access and which spend considerable time are upgraded to their needs, as we have already made it clear in the previous point. For this reason, it is necessary to know the facilities of the toy libraries as spaces used by children. -Classrooms: the adequacy of the rooms for the game is made depending on the age of the children and their educational needs. In the early years they need spacious and suggestive areas where can experiment, manipulate and discover the space and materials. Also, when they are already taking older, they must have other areas where you can play freely and do group activities.
Organize the classrooms by sectors or corners makes that a different activity is carried out in each of these areas. -Toilets: this space is very important in a playroom as the events occur for children they have great educational value, such as personal hygiene habits. So the atmosphere should be warm, homey and with its own personality. The presence of materials with which children are identified will be sought for this purpose and that promote healthy hygiene habits. The toilet has to be the height of children, as well as lavatories.
The temperature has to be adjustable and controllable stops by adults. The ground coated with material resistant, waterproof, so it allows the collection of water and prevents slipping. It is a good idea to place situations that reflect everyday in service, to facilitate the customization of this space with photographic paper. -Library: Space dedicated to children’s literature, and to the promotion of reading in the children who go to the playroom. Explains this space at a specific point more to the front.