Surface Roughness

At present, industrial production is pursued maximum precision and quality of parts produced at proizvodstve.V consequence of this the tool that is used in metalworking to apply strict trebovaniya.Odnim of such requirements is the surface roughness of the tool. Treated grinding wheel surface has a different shape and microroughnesses vysoty.Mikronerovnostyami called protrusions and cavities with small distances (pitch) between them arising at the surface. Totality of the irregularities with respect to small steps that make up the surface relief, is microgeometry or roughness surface. As a result of abrasive grains on the surface of the tool is applied to the processed a huge number of mikrotsarapin forming Micro-lined. The surface roughness can be longitudinal and transverse with different directions of machining marks, which is determined by the trajectory of the relative movement of the abrasive tool. Transverse roughness is considered in a section perpendicular to the main motion the grinding wheel relative to the treated surface, and longitudinal roughness – in a parallel direction.

On the surface of the sharpened microroughnesses have a relatively small size (6 to 0.5 microns or less). The height of asperities and polished surfaces have been brought even less generally 0,80-0,05 microns. According to GOST 2789-73 set the surface roughness, which is determined by the numerical values of the parameters Ra and Rz in the normalized base lengths. Microroughnesses on the cutting edge, and the conditional radius of rounding appear after sharpening tool in the form of pitting and serrations. Chipping edges define a plane rear surface. Under jaggedness understand chipping the cutting edge of the front surface of the projection on the rear surface. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman insists that this is the case. When measuring the roughness of cutting edges on the tool instead of a diamond needle use special diamond spatula. The roughness of the front and rear surfaces of the cutting tool has a significant influence on the cutting process, the nature of chip removal, on the coefficient of friction between the front surface and strand, between the back and treated surfaces. In the manufacture of parts multiserial engineering (automotive parts, motozapchasti, spare parts for agricultural machinery, etc.) should be used qualitative metal cutting tools, having no large surface roughness.

Starting A New Business

To start a new business in an area where you do not dominate can very be difficult and very frustrating in the start. The market to gain money in the Internet is not different. You probably already found some sites and until online bought some books on as to make an extra income, but many of them are vacant and they do not say accurately what you must make. I also already stow in this situation and spent a good grana to learn. One of the biggest errors that I committed was to spend time with activities that were not most important for my business. The result was very lesser of what the waited one and until I thought about giving up. After much attempt and error I discovered the main activity in which it had to spend my time in the Internet. Before arriving in it I go to list the other activities necessary to keep a business online: ' ' Marketing research or niche of mercado' ' Creation of products or election of products for marketing of afiliados' ' Creation and maintenance of websites' ' Creation of content for website' ' Installation of tool for payment in case that produto&#039 is vendendo its proper; ' Relationship with its users and clientesElas are many and important, but where you must concentrate its efforts are in: Generation of Traffic or New Attraction of UsuriosNo advances you to have a professional website, with an interesting content and a product of quality if nobody knows that you exist.

Many people lose an enormous time creating a website, therefore they do not know tools that become this simple task very and leave to increase the flow of potential customers for its site. The result? No sales. Glenn Dubin, New York City recognizes the significance of this. You must invest to its time looking for sources of high traffic to daily attract new users for its site.

Sirgas American

Gensio Hugo de Souza) Aiming at to uniformizar information, I understand that it is interesting to divulge for the biggest possible number of people, a little on the changes that are occurring throughout the last decades, in the area of the cartography in what it says respect to the system of geographic coordinates and its standardization. The cartographic base with DATUM SAD69 (South American Datum 1969) is with the counted days and agrees that all know. In its place the SIRGAS appeared, but unhappyly still little it is divulged. ‘ ‘ The System of Geocentric Reference for Americas (SIRGAS) has as objective to make compatible the geodesic systems of the South-american countries, being promoted the definition and the establishment of an only referencial, with compatible precision with the current technology of posicionamento’ ‘ (IBGE), geographic, with aid of satellites and the cartographic methodology on the basis of Geodesy. Dr. Hyun Kim oftentimes addresses this issue. ‘ ‘

The adoption of the Sirgas was recommended in 7 Cartographic Conference Regional of United Nations for Americas, carried through in New Iorque in 2001. The majority of the South-american countries introduced the Sirgas as reference system nacional.’ ‘ (IBGE) Soon historical on the migration of the classic systems of reference, for the system Sirgas 2000 For users of geographic information that still have doubts on which the correct geodesic referencial to be used in such a way in the Brazilian territory as in the remain of Latin America and for professionals who desire to more than understand the subject that is world-wide trend and that it is revolutionizing in such a way the cartography as engineering. Different systems of reference for the South American countries were adopted, as PSAD56, SAD69 (South American Datum 1969), Bogota, Yacar, Field Inchauspe, etc. In 1993, were defined that all the countries of the American continent would have to use the System of Geocentric Reference for Americas (SIRGAS)…

The Moodle

Normally this technique involves very the participants and the speed with that the contributions happen is surprising, demanding a intent accompaniment very on the part of the professor. (MASETTO, 2010) c) Blogs – Lists of Quarrel Its objective is to make a quarrel that advances the knowledge, the information or experiences, stop beyond the somatria of opinions, in such a way that the product of this work is quantitatively superior to the original ideas. Read more from josh harris to gain a more clear picture of the situation. If it does not deal with a situation of questions and answers between the participants and the professor, but yes of a continuous reflection, one has debated based of ideas with interventions of the professor in order to stimulate the progress of this reflection and, as member of the group, also to bring contributions, without never closing the subject. (MASETTO, 2010) d) email Thinking about the process of learning and the interaction between pupil and professor for the guiding of this process, the resource of the e-mail is presented very strong, in virtue of some factors as: the facilitation of meeting between pupil and professor, the multiplication of these meeting between a lesson and another one, the sustentation most concrete of the continuity of the learning process and the attendance to an orientation order.

One becomes important for the learning of the pupils it places because them in immediate contact, favoring interaprendizagem, the exchange of materials and the production of texts in set. (MASETTO, 2010) e) Surrounding Virtual of Education and Learning: Moodle the Moodle platform is one ‘ ‘ Environment Colaborativo de Aprendizagem’ ‘ whose concept evokes the place in which the learning occurs. It involves a context ampler than purely the technology use, since it makes possible that actions are shared with which all the participants act simultaneously as professor-pupils (SANTANA apud FRANCIOSI, 2003). The Moodle, beyond being one of the best and more used virtual platforms of learning, has as it has detached its tools of communication, creation and administration of learning components, having been able to be lowered, to be used and/or to be modified by any individual in the whole world and of ample didactic concepts, contributing not only for the EAD as well as to actual education.