
When I started to think about a subject for the work of conclusion of the course of therapy of passed life, soon came me to the mind the will to write on ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘. Perhaps for my proper necessity to remodel closely, perhaps for the perception ahead of the suffering of the people and my patients and the search in being happyer and also to know more deeply the TVP and its therapeutical reach with the patients, in the direction of an internal improvement. The man since the beginning of the times it always looks for if to feel better, to be happyer and uses of many half ones for this. Who is Ahmed Rahman shines more light on the discussion. Some taken ways are motivated by the internal feelings, to the positive times and the negative times.

The majority of based the human beings starts to search this happiness in egoistic feelings, of pride, envy among others and if it loses in the tracks of the time in errors, deceits and sufferings. The man lives without knowing the reason of proper history, of because to be born and to die, of the .necessidade more than to coexist some people close (for example, family) and them causes or necessities it suffering. It has some decades appeared the Psychology that came to try to help the man if to know better, if to understand, to suffer little, however Psychology will be able to contribute only with the knowledge of the traumas and stresses not decided of our present existence.

Proserpine Line

Because the line of Proserpine hirologam little known, the author briefly describes its importance. At Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. you will find additional information. Line of Proserpine is extremely rare, especially in shape, mainly in the form of scraps, hints on the line. Line of Proserpine indicates the great wisdom of man. John Craig Venter can provide more clarity in the matter. But this is not life 'wisdom' (as would have been better and more comfortable to settle in present life), and the karmic wisdom, the wisdom of giving the knowledge of eternity, and ways of karmic evolution (as well as its other people). Line Proserpine – is divine wisdom (if this line is clearly delineated, deep and long). People with a line of Proserpine on the palms are (from life to life), higher power, fate of these people managed Above. People with line of Proserpine is philosophical (supreme wisdom), but not one that gives the signet of Solomon. People with a line of Proserpine are in a constant trance of uninterrupted meditation.

These people are simultaneously present in our world and other worlds. They have a very high karmic mission, which they carry out from life to life, reincarnated and born again. Simultaneously, higher forces allow these people to enter the thought of all mysteries of life and all the secrets Genesis. People with a line of Proserpina saw bases (sources) of all life and the karmic process, as well as the outcome (result) of any process of Being. . In human communication, these people are intellectuals and intuitive. People with the line Proserpina karma gives the opportunity to participate in the mysteries of karmic life and transmutation, transformation, transition to a different quality

Personal Development

When defense becomes aggressive – Living on the defensive many times leads us to react as aggressively as do those persons who supposedly defend ourselves. And it is possible that by doing so, we feel justified, either because the other started the argument, or offend us because we are so used to attack us and try to blame us for something we have not done so and simply react to automatic, without awareness of what we do or say to defend. – We should pause to reflect on our defensive behavior in an objective and realistic, to try to discover where it comes from and if with it we can really solve or – We should pause to reflect on our defensive behavior in an objective and realistic to try to discover where it comes from and if with it we can really solve or clarify the conflict we face, because repudiation aggravate our defensive reaction. – While we have an excuse to act like we do not change our behavior and, most serious, we avoid a recurrence. – We are all affected to a greater or lesser extent by some of the experiences we had in our childhood. If you grew up in a home where they seek to blame everything negative that happens, instead of offering solutions to these conflicts to not repeat and we could get something positive from that experience, "surely learned to defend ourselves, and say things like: "I was not," "I did not see" …


Concern in some way familiar to all. It may be a harbinger of joy, accompany the moving experience, concern and fear. But there is always a concern assessment and associated expectations and fears. Possible consequences for the body: digestive disorders, stomach problems, fever, heart problems, circulatory disorders. Impotence is a consequence of production at not really an important goal when substitute representation desires. Possible consequences for the organism: problems with blood circulation, hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, respiratory system diseases.

Melancholy caused by many reasons. Not only the loss of a loved one, but also frustration, helplessness and failure may give rise to this feeling. It is based on valuation and status of the victim. Possible consequences for the organism: incorrect posture, heart problems, indigestion, weak connective tissue, sinusitis. The thirst for vengeance and hatred are closely intertwined.

They are usually preceded by the expectations of the deceived and ruined the view. In this case, seldom realize their own state of the victim. Hatred and revenge are always directed against their carrier, even though he was not admitted. Possible consequences for the body: liver disease, skin diseases, stomach disorders, cancer, gall bladder disease. Dissatisfaction is usually associated with their own situation or self. Being unable to cope with conflicting demands, such people begin to crave change. In this case, no specific idea of what to do. Possible consequences for the organism: depression, increased appetite and obesity, heart problems and blood circulation, migraine headaches, respiratory distress, restraint and postural problems. Uncertainty, ultimately, there is always a result of reflection on the 'right' and 'wrong'. Because one can never foresee all the consequences their actions or words, some have just not live with this feeling coming from this assumption. Possible consequences for the body: liver dysfunction, respiratory disease, problems with posture, problems with spinal injuries, acute indigestion, migraine. Disappointment is always a consequence of the expectations and perceptions that have not received confirmation. The higher the expectations, the stronger frustrating when something goes the other way. Mostly accompanied by a feeling of disappointment own powerlessness. Possible consequences for the body: heart problems, acute indigestion. Jealousy is usually hides the fear of loss and fears about their own usefulness. Lack of confidence is a sign of insecurity. Possible consequences for the organism: sleep disorders, digestive problems and indigestion, appetite loss and exhaustion, migraines, back problems. Fear has many forms of expression. There is a fear of loneliness, loss, illness, poverty, alienation, death, etc. For all the fears, however, hidden fear of not cope with certain situations. Possible consequences for the organism: hypertension, heart disease, asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases, digestive disorders: problems with stomach, irregular stools, diarrhea, eye problems, and with vision, hearing loss, kidney disease. Take care of what you feel!

Ritalina Medicine

The author approaches thematic of the indiscriminate use of the Ritalina medicine in children and the adolescents who are diagnosised with DDA/H, from the stories of the family who brings as complaint behaviors of carelessness and inquietude inside of the classroom. It raises questioning on the real necessity of this legalized drug and on the used arguments, for the doctors, to base the upheaval of attention deficit and hiperatividade. For such, it makes analysis in the ways to learn human beings, the concept of attention and activity and of the values of the society of today. Society this, that sees the citizen as an only organic being, ignoring and denying singular individual only e; causing a generalized and impersonal treatment, what it finishes for resulting in preference, for the citizen, of the medication to attenuate pain psquicaa to dialogue on its you distress.

This reality is explained through seeming of its colleague Jorge Gonalves de a Cruz who makes historical analysis of the paper of the doctor justifying because the medicine sees the patient in such a way and what it is for backwards of the great growth of the pharmaceutical industry that, for times, it creates the remedy, later the illness. After that, in it discloses its analysis to them on DSM IV, concluding that it does not have reasonable justifications for diagnosis DDA/H. making a parallel with the requirement of the school on the maintenance of the attention of the pupil and supporting themselves in the conception of floating attention used by Freud, the author in intent for the focos multiples and the diverse situations that the pupil dirige its attention today. It considers, then, a reflection on the position of psicopedagogo, ahead of the attention and the hiperatividade, alerting to us for the question of the label in children diagnosised with DDA/H, that presents the symptoms as a form to point that they are not well for the family and the school, however does not possess such upheaval, thus being does not need the medicamentoso instrument.