If nature is opposed, we will fight against it and will make us obey (words of the Liberator after the earthquake of 1812, on the ruins of the monastery of San Jacinto Caracas ) many old and worn opposition leaders, have wanted to relive the past of our country history events, and by the same ignorance of that story, two thousand times have encountered the same stone. Spokespersons of the disaster, unscrupulously came on the screens and covered false information centimetrajes a few seconds feel the first tremors of Earth in the center of the country, as scavengers of news and information. When in Venezuela we suffered in recent days, the onslaught of three tremors of medium proportions in Caracas and the center of the country, then get the opposition to take political advantage to what can be, at least potentially, a calamity. That was the opportunity to blame the Chavez President and the revolutionary Government for having produced this natural fact. Senses tremors with intensity in Caracas and in some towns in the Centre of the country, began to operate presses, cameras and microphones media private. It was the chance for the prophets of the disaster, which saw a reason to attack the revolutionary Government, without taking into consideration other factors of solidarity, security in this citizen and prudence. The opportunity to not could present them better, an earthquake, that would be a good excuse to blame Chavez for everything that might happen, whether human, material losses or any possible thing.
Manage the fears of the population, has given the Venezuelan opposition some results in recent election years. Like the current swine flu or virus AH1 N1, it has given results to large capitalist power centres, to disguise the serious financial crisis which is facing the all-powerful and infallible savage neoliberalism. The history of the monastery of San Jacinto, Bolivar, starring You will have to repeat one and a million times more, we will have to tame nature and make this obey us, something that only is possible on revolution.