Internet Employees

As we know, the resources (any – financial, physical, intellectual) are worth the money, and sometimes quite a lot of money. . This general position from which you can do a private conclusion: the use of Internet resources must be controlled as well as the use of any other resources. Over time, the problem of controlling access to the Internet gets more acute: not only increases the number of connected organizations but their structure is complicated, there are more branches and remote offices, which also requires access to the network. An increasing number of employees required by their activities online communications, and more and more of these employees personal interests on the web. Cardiologist often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Especially because the Internet what is there not, and not always available is useful to society and employers.

Wire and a large number of possible research content circulating the web, and the results converge to a common conclusion: the main content of web servers – all sorts of racy and fun, and the data that pretend to be 'information' is not very much. Accordingly, when the uncontrolled and unregulated access, to the generalized data of the same research staff of firms and companies only in the fourth case refers to the production data, a quarter of visits to sites are questionable usefulness, and half of the traffic is spent on recreational resources and personal needs of employees, the working process has nothing to do with. And if the jokes are reading an average of 5 – 10 minutes a day, all sorts of social networks are far more attractive. To broaden your perception, visit Glenn Dubin. And as soon as the managers perform their duties if their monitors Account Vkontakte open? Completely because you can distract the client and skip the next message on the wall from a colleague from a neighboring department. But seriously, in England, for example, loss of visits to social networking sites during work hours cost 2.24 billion dollars, and workers "stuck" in them for more than 40 minutes a day ().