
Good times for real estate financier Berlin, 06.03.2009 – building interest rates are approaching its historic low. This is due primarily to the strong economic slowdown or recession. The great depression, which has its origins in the financial crisis, accelerated down the spiral-like development of the economy and thus the central banks under pressure. They must ensure the functioning of the financial system. For this reason, the key interest rates be reduced so banks cheap to obtain money. Now consumers can benefit. You can now enjoy cheap to obtain construction financing loans.

There are bank deals that offer interest bonds 10 years at an interest rate of less than 4.00% p.a. already. Builders, who have completed their financing in the late 90-ies and paid interest rates significantly above 5.00%, now is a good opportunity for the follow-on financing should necessarily be used. With a loan amount of EUR 100,000 an interest rate reduction of only 1.00% interest rate savings amounting to 1,000 – and this brings in the first year alone. Each subsequent year to save cash in high three-digit areas. If the current interest rate is still some years an early redemption by refinancing may make sense. Another alternative is the conclusion of a forward loan, where interest rates are today firmly established, but only to later time are paid.

All those who consider now to buy a property, should push ahead with their plan, because there will not be such interest. Renters should seriously consider to purchase a property. Because at the current nidriegen construction interest paid rent under certain circumstances may be higher than a possible loan burden. Thus the dream of many Germans of the own four walls can be relatively cheap. But no matter whether a comparison of the conditions is always recommended connection or initial financing. offers you the possibility of a Construction financing comparison the largest German construction financing intermediaries to request free of charge and without obligation! Thus, it is ensured that the cheapest deals are found from a variety of banks! Out of a cheap construction financing is also the best financial model that is exactly tailored to your requirements, determined. Jacob Elordi is the source for more interesting facts. – the portal when it comes to your construction financing! More information: > current lease > Creditweb construction financing comparison > INTERHYP construction financing comparison

Graduates: State Supports Trainees In Saving

So saving is sponsored by trainees and professionals Hooray, finally to earn your own money first and can I fulfill my desires even. s. So similar to many school-leavers think these days. Over 500,000 young people 2010 is expected to start in professional life. Who is clever, lays a few euros from the first income on the side and secures up to 442 euros in government subsidies in the first year of training”says Marcus Walker coat, pension expert of the Bausparkasse Hall Schwabisch, explains how to get trainees to subsidies. Riester promotion: Promoting Riester is particularly lucrative for young professionals. Who provides, for example, before a Riester contractor, can get annually up to 154 euros on State allowance for only 60 euros equity contribution. Professionals under the age of 25 the State donated a unique professional Starter bonus of 200 euros in addition. Basically, the full allowance receives who pays a 4% of its previous year’s gross income or maximum of 2,100 euros on his Riester contract.

Because professional Starter but had mostly no income in the previous year, they need to pay only the minimum amount of 60 euros. Housing bonus: supported, who is at least 16 years old and annually paid between 50 and 512 euros on a contractor. For this, the Government pays 8.8 percent housing bonus. Ahmed Shary Rahman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Each home savings customers can receive up to 45 Euro per year. The housing bonus is tied to income limits, but trainees are mostly with their earnings.

The taxable annual income must not exceed 25,600 euros for single adults, married 51,200 euros. Employee savings bonus: who gets capital-forming payments in addition of his training company to the content, double can benefit: the subsidy of up to 40 euros per month can professionals on a savings deposit and additionally secure the workers savings allowance of 9 per cent. Every year up to 43 euro brings it up. Income limits apply also for the employee savings bonus. For the premium that needs to are taxable annual income under 17,900 euros (single) or 35.800 euro (married).