Increase Sales

Also called interpersonal intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, the issued is the cognitive ability to perceive what another individual may feel. Within the concept of emotional intelligence, empathy is essential if we want to generate confidence in our customers. Pat Ogden is the source for more interesting facts. Empathy is the ability to understand other people’s emotional nature, even when their points of view is radically opposite to ours. Michael James Burke, Paris France can provide more clarity in the matter. A person who is empathetic has a certain ability to treat people according to their emotional reactions. When we as sellers, show empathy, the customers perceive it. This perception is carried out at the conscious level (what we say and how we act), both at a subconscious level (tone of voice, non-verbal language, etc). When someone shows empathy, we have the tendency to open up more to that person. I am going to put an example.

Imagine your favorite supplies company, can be telephony, of electricity, water, gas. It does not matter because all have a care service customer fairly can be improved. At the time of reporting a problem, if the person that I was attending has faced you, or has been on the defensive, this will cause a belligerent sentiment arising in you. We are sure that at some point also, ye could lose patience, (easy). However, do you ever has happened give with a person that you have LISTENED very carefully and I said something like understand you? When this happens, our aggressiveness generally low. Our brain perceives no longer a threat. Just bumping us with empathy. A person understands us and we are back on the path of peace eye, having empathy isn’t giving the reason. Empathy has to do with putting in place of the other person and give the impression that he wants to help resolve your problem. Here are a few examples we can find during a business process, and how can enforce us of empathy.

Coasts Impacts

Catastrophic storms like Hurricane Katrina, as well as general concerns about global climate change, have increased the knowledge of the impacts of coastal erosion. Retreat of the coasts have not only ecological impacts but economic ones. Read more from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Identification also known as retreat of the coast, coastal erosion is a little understood phenomenon in which climate changes and the result of human activities influence the loss of coasts. Effects the economic studies suggest that the impact of erosion affects several economic sectors, including agriculture, fisheries, navigation and maritime transport and tourism / recreation. Geography a study on the impact of erosion in the Philippines showed that the communities that depend on fishing for their livelihood were particularly affected by erosion. Size in the U.S. a study of erosion in Louisiana estimated that the State of the Gulf Coast has lost an average of 40 square kilometers to the year due to erosion since the 1950s.

Important erosion in Louisiana and the U.S. Gulf Coast may adversely affect the country’s economy due to the concentration of oil refineries and energy production in that region. Experts estimated that even a break of one week three in the supply of petroleum due to coastal erosion could cost the economy countries many jobs and many million less in revenue.


As it is near the Christmas celebration this is far more appropriate to remember with gratitude all that we have achieved in this year that ends, both the joys by happy moments and those sorrows by the sad moments that are a part of life itself. When we are reunited with our families and loved ones on Christmas Eve or Christmas we must thank God for the innumerable presents which we have received every day, many times without realizing. Life itself is a gift of matchless value. When we think that life is indeed a wonderful gift that we have been receiving it, every day, from the moment in which we were born and will continue to receive throughout our day in this world we have to have gratitude. Cardiologist follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Also wonderful is that this gift we receive is equal for all; We are all in a day, 24 hours and as every hour has 60 minutes and each minute, 60 seconds, all enjoyed 86 400 seconds every day.

And this wonderful gift is personal, is for each of us and we cannot be transferred to another person. The time that you have available is his life itself. Time is life. If you wasted your time is wasting his life; If you manage it properly, you are managing your life. Sometimes it is said that no there is time to do something; in fact, all people have all the time that is necessary.

Hence that we must keep in mind that the most important quality of life is the value of life itself. What can we do with this wonderful gift? It depends only on us. We can make proper use of this precious present and grow as high as the highest of the mountains. Or we can waste it and resize to the size of a grain of sand.


In life, all social classes are prone to suffer from diseases, but those of low economic resources are the most vulnerable, since they do not have sufficient resources to cover expenditure required to improve your health with. Hemorrhoids is a disease that is in progress and can be converted into something very dangerous, why is good to always have around homemade solutions to hemorrhoids, which are economic so that everyone has access to it. We all know that the best solution is prevention, that is why it is recommended:-eat less food with many seasonings, because this makes the feces lose its soft consistency. -Continually, take fruit juice helps in good digestion and provides the liquid enough for a better intestinal transit. But in case that we have neglected our health and already suffer from hemorrhoids is advisable to other methods, we have:-peel a potato or known also as potato, and cut it into small pieces with a round end, giving it the consistency of a suppository and setting for a time in zone damaged. -We can apply every 6 hours a day in a poultice with fresh cheese.

-Also it is very efficient to prepare an ointment on the basis of Chamomile combined with rose petals, apply on the affected area, passing a little sphincter, because this mixture does not produce irritation and reduces swelling. -Prepare turnip or carrot juices. We recommend taking this two or three times a day, and is more preferable half an hour after each meal. Homemade solutions for hemorrhoids already mentioned, help in the inflammation of the wounds at an early stage, and to calm down when it is in an advanced stage. We must know that hemorrhoids more evolved, so let’s apply these homemade solutions, they cannot cure and even following these tips, our lives are in danger and the only solution is surgery.

Seek Income Residual Income

He knows the importance of the residual income so you can begin to be creating that income that does not depend on the hours that you’re working. Today all we have accessible ways of developing it. Linear income the residual income is that everybody wins when we work per hour as either employees or as I do in my Design Studio that I put per hour. When not working leave of winning. It is a super limitation that have in common a doctor, an engineer, a Sweeper, a teacher or a chef. Once they stop working because don’t earn more money. After 25 years of work not sigen winning. If you are going a week or a month’s vacation BOOM they were left without income.

Income is Residual income that you continue with the work that you did once win. Clear hard trabajastes why is not he stopped you from heaven! You like to examples? Writes a song that is pege on radio. For the rest of your life everytime you hear it on the radio, a singer again record and continue selling the CDs you’ll still win. Even when die your children, grandchildren and others will continue to receive earnings. Many of these hits are by artists or songwriters who have spent many years writing a song, it is one in a million that sticks from the first. Remember a song that becomes a hit and impacts generations is not achieved overnight overnight but it is good to keep winning money from them while you sleep or while you’re vacasiones. Another way? OK, write a book and publish. Life which is sold and resell you will earn money. If it becomes a Best Seller or a classic, you know will have your family heritage for all the books that are sold in the history. Each new publication or each adaptation.

Surgery Aesthetics

In everyday life we are involved in an issue that has provoked during the last years much controversy for being one of the most used methods to achieve perfection in different parts of our body either in women or men who wish to reach those measures that are among the parameters set by our society that says reflect the absolute beauty of a person if so we are talking about cosmetic surgery which is defined as the medical specialty which seeks to reconstruct deformities and correct functional deficiencies through the transformation of the human body which arises in the year 2500 and 3000 b.c. in Egypt where he found the Papyrus Edwin Smith which describes surgical interventions, treatment of traumatic injury and facial fractures. Using different research has discovered that surgery arises to fulfill a need of man in the year 2500 BC where people to commit acts of crime, adultery, or prisoners of war were punished with mutilation of the nose; to present this situation cosmetic surgery starts to take its peak generating new techniques for one way or another help to those people who were subjected to these interventions taking into account that the nose was a symbol of respect before the society during this time. Also note that this kind of techniques were also used to deform the face of women who commit adultery since they should be identified and isolated by different persons of the people for their actions. From that moment are born different procedures because it is a form of punishment or to repair fractures of nose and others that relate to how to treat injuries in the neck, upper extremities, chest and spine. As time goes on we can see as cosmetic surgery does not change its aim but if his employment since today instead of correct small defects caused by external agents of different nature or dependent physical problems to genetics It is used of one alternately to meet vain pleasures of those individuals that only seek to find an external beauty made up different parts of body whose magnitudes established by society describe the woman or perfect man.

More than once we have heard young women unsatisfied with their measures who wish to undergo this kind of surgical intervention seeking to be more attractive and even men that is not compliant with different features of your face. As we can see cosmetic surgery to noticeably changed since past being a source of punishment and correction of defects to a method whose purpose is to train people with measures, faces and perfect bodies without there is a real need for their implementation in some cases and giving as a result a lie that corrects defects external at the expense of the intenas virtues. At the conclusion of this investigation we want those people interested in the subject to assume greater responsibility when using this specialisation of surgery since it is important to point out that the intensity of the defect usually not proportional to the seriousness of the problem that represents, so it is fair to accept the subjectivity of the assessments that we make about ourselves. Get your greatest strengths of your flaws! Original author and source of the article.