Care With Batteries And Stacks, – Pollution And Illnesses

Batteries and Stacks, – Pollution and illnesses Search its drawers, see if it does not have in some place of abadonadas things, a handful of these poisonous metals there vagarosamente if spoiling. Not them touch without a glove or protection. – Danger! It does not keep to its used stacks randomly e, having emptying that reaches its body washes immediately with abundant water, and occurring irritation it goes immediately to the doctor. The cadmium, one of the products used in the manufacture of batteries with known research on its harmful effect for the health, – in the responsible Sixties as main for the illness itai-itai, that it reached Japanese women who had had its diet contaminated for cadmium. The application of cadmium in the components of batteries of Ni-Compact disc, coverings of products against corrosion, estabilizantes, pigments of inks is more common and very used as it binds in the electronic industry. The cadmium consumption was of 4800 tons in 1986 only in U.S.A., this consumption comes considerably increasing to leave of that year including other countries. About 1270 the 4800 tons of ton. they had been used in the production of batteries.

– about 52% of all cadmium they go for the aterros of garbage of the government. The permanence of cadmium in our body is of twenty the thirty years, if lodging mainly in our renais filters, the liver, and the bones cause renais disfunes and osteoporose. – The maleficent effect to the health associates to the exposition to cadmium are most adverse taking in account the ones that if find in study and research. This message if destines to the ones that recycle these products. One remembers that it is present in the dry stacks the mercury chloride that harms of direct form the recycling process, if will not be removed in the first stages of treatment.

Tiger Elemetrics

Word-key: voice; ratio harmonic-noise; use of the apple. Abstract The voice is the noise produced by the larynx, producing sounds and words, putting into practice the encoding and decoding necessary will be the exchange of messages between humans. Vocal Thus, during speech, there is the vibration of the cords, but will be which there is good vocal quality and harmony, we need flexibility and elasticity in the wavelike movement of the mucous to layer that depends on to air transglottal. It is understood, therefore, it is important you care will be harmony, since without it, have the poor quality sound will be those who to hear and difficulty and discomfort will be those who speak. Vocal In search of quality, the apple is seen favoring the elasticity and flexibility of the mucous, by making it to thinner. This article aims you analyze the results of harmonic-noise ratio in women before and to after ingestion of Fuji apple, through research with 28 women aged 20 you the 30 years, collecting the voices on the issue of testing with prolonged vowels (//,/and/,/i/,/u/) and fricative/s/and fricative/z/, counting numbers, among to other resources, with analysis of the voices through the Dr Speech program, version 4,0 Tiger Elemetrics, it was seen that 22 women had improved quality-harmonic sound of to their voices to after eating the apple. It concludes with this, that the apple has benefits will be the quality of vocal voice and harmonious functioning of the tract, being the best studies on the subject and its advantages in the practice of speech therapy.

Words key: voice; harmonic-noise; the uses of apple. 1 INTRODUCTION the communication is the form for which the individual obtains to express its feelings, ideas and experiences to another human being. Such is the capacity of information transmission, as much, said and writing, how much representative or gestual. Then, as Penalty (1999) by means of the communication the human beings transmit information of different nature and through different systems.

Remodelled Techniques

These technologies make possible a new art; the art of the remodelled body. But, what it means remodelled body? To remodel in them brings the idea to reconstruct, to manipulate, through techniques that aim at its physical improvement aesthetic. (SANTAELLA, 2003, p, 282). The new concept for this art of the body aims at to the aesthetic manipulation of the surface of the body. One is about the body constructed with diverse techniques of physical improvement. Musculao, gymnastics is examples of exercises that are part of this improvement.

However, we can still add a new concept for this type of artistic construction. We also have the techniques that we can call? invasive. It is in this context that we find diverse processes that in the current society are entered into an alliance so that the new body is inserted in the conjunctural aesthetic standards. They are the modeling techniques, through the plastic surgeries, the enxertos implantations and calls. The health notion is forgotten.

Such surgical processes are made do not stop taking care of the healthful objectives, but to be fit in the word of order that is contained in a beautiful body, strong, capable to reach the perfection as goal of a society of appearances. We are, thus, ahead of the cult to the body. The exterior now starts to dominate the interior. Already it does not import more what we are, but yes, as we are and most important? as we show in them. The narcissism finds its finished expression form more. It is not only enough to be beautiful is necessary to reveal as such. It is not by chance that one affirms that I entered in crisis. What we attend, in the current society, they are unresigned people with its bodies, breaching its personality, in search of a mere manufactured body and that it is inside of established the effective standards or daily pay.

Down Syndrome

All the normal babies are different, the same occur with the carriers of the Syndrome of Down. important for the professionals of the health to early have a contact with carriers of deficiencies in general, therefore thus will only be able to acquire experience in as to take care of of this group that requires a specialized treatment. The nurses do not choose of who to take care of, are necessary to be able to take care of any patient who needs cares. THEORETICAL LANDMARK. Syndrome of Down (S.D.) is, basically, a delay of the development, as much of the motor functions of the body, as of the mental functions. A baby with S.D is little active, molinho, what we call hipotonia. The hipotonia diminishes with the time, and the child goes conquering, even so later that the others, the diverse stages of the development: as to support the head, to turn over in the bed, to engatinhar, to seat, to walk and to speak: The S.D is known popularly as Mongolism. In some countries, this expression is not more used.

The name Mongolism was given had to the folds sings in it of the eyes that remember the aspect of the people of the Mongolian race (it turns yellow). The terms ' ' mongolismo' ' , ' ' mongol' ' ' ' mongolide' ' , used he has some years to identify the Syndrome of Down and its carriers, today are considered offensive. The correct name is Syndrome of Down. The word Syndrome means a set of characteristics that the development of the person harms in some way, and Down and the last name of the doctor (John Lang Don Down) that it described this Syndrome in the last century. It has physical signals that they follow, in general, the Syndrome of Down, and therefore they help to make the diagnosis.