Artist Yingru gives an insight into the essence of Chinese calligraphy. When Picasso seduced our eyes with geometric figures, as Monet also loomed large with the reflections of light and shades our eyes, why have the ancestors of the Chinese expressed complicated inner workings only with black and white and some simple strokes? The Western artists emphasized “Seeing”, was the emphasis in China in the “perception”. Apart from many cultural and philosophical backgrounds, the difference above all in the mindset. For Chinese, the art of calligraphy is the process where you edited the own attitude to life and improves. Their value does not depend, whether you used a new technique or new material, but whether you can work constantly with the inner world and manages to inspire the work of art. For a long time, the calligraphy searches not only superficial stormy Viewer but honest intimacy.
That’s why we write calligraphy not to give pleasure to the outward eye. Calligraphy is for the writers is an expression of emotion, for the viewer sense perception by the resonance. Read additional details here: Anu Saad. If we just develop a new form of old, we have exposed the uncertainty and poverty of the heart. In addition to the outward eye we should satisfy even the inner eye. This is the real respect for the people.