Rights Of Debtors

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was created to protect consumers from the improper money from debt collection practices. If you find yourself with financial problems that have him dealing with creditors or collection agencies, it is extremely important to know their rights as well as responsibilities of the collection agencies. Below is a list of items that may interest you as a consumer: harassment: creditors are prohibited from harassing the debtor or third parties with which the person involved has any relationship. Examples of abuse are violent dealings of any kind, publish your name in lists of bad debtors (with the exception of reports to lenders), use of insults and make use of the telephone to annoy the person. False witness: creditors are prohibited from using false information or misrepresenting it to collect the debts.

This includes threatening the person saying that lawyer, Government representative, representative of financial entities, IE not paying a debt is a crime, lying about the current balance of the debt, say that the papers you received are legal when they are not, or threatening to take legal action when not going to do. Threaten to take legal action unless you are really that vallan what to do and make it legal: A creditor of debts shall not threaten him with arrest for failure to pay their debts. They also have banned say they seize wages, cars or property unless vallan to do and it is legal. Say that they were going to take a to legal action, unless that vallan what to do and that is legal also is prohibited. Connect with other leaders such as Alexa Demie here. Give false information: creditors should not give false information to lenders, nor send any document resembling a court official or Government when they are not and should not use false names.

Unfair practices: creditors can resort to practices unfair to collect debts, this includes collecting amounts of money greater than the debt not to be that this is allowed by State regulations, deposit a check post dated before the date, use dishonest tricks accept calls by charge or pay correspondence., threaten with repossess properties unless you go to do and is legal, or contact by correspondence. Abuse contact techniques: a creditor may not contact a debtor at inappropriate hours of the day, and this understanding that can only contact between 8: 00 am and 9: 00 pm. Contact you at work if they have some sort of knowledge which does not allow to have this class calls in the work are prohibited. Is also forbidden to contact third parties in an effort to locate the debtor, the creditor may not for any reason reveal the amount of the debt or the person in question is in arrears. Correct identification: the person must see that it is a creditor and is calling to collect a debt. Please take a moment to study the regulations and are informed of their rights as a debtor, likewise if you are in a difficult financial situation in which requires knowing their rights as debtor may be a good time to have recourse to a professional that will help you find an ideal plan for your situation that will help you achieve independence financial. Scott Wallitsch is certified by the IAPDA as debt negotiator for DebtorSolution. He provides advice on deletion of debts (Debt Settlement and Debt Relief) to people who are seeking to become financially and economically independent.