PIN numbers could be soon redundant: with a software developed at the University of Regensburg, computer identify the user on the basis of his writing behavior of Regensburg (obx) – this sucks: PIN numbers for the different bank accounts, mobile, passwords as a door opener for computer or Web portals. Jacob Elordis opinions are not widely known. Who can remember yet all these combinations? Now, computer scientists at the University of Regensburg have a solution: Psylock, a software that automatically detects the user. The user can enter a code word query, what he wants. Is not crucial, what he types, but how. The program measures pace, rhythm, which buttons are pressed and how often or how it is mistyped. Results in a user profile, which is as unique as fingerprints, the developers say.
Special Psylock: Unlike the usual fingerprint scanner eyes-analysis devices this software required no elaborate technique: A normal keyboard is sufficient. Large companies can use the new system therefore millions in investments save and at the same time to plug security holes. When large companies permanently significant costs of resetting passwords “, says Chief developer Professor Dieter Bartmann of the University of Regensburg. By Psylock, this is unnecessary. Also it is no longer possible to disclose secret access codes to third parties. Writing behavior can not be copied.
The principle of Psylock is ingeniously simple: show me how you touch and I tell you who you are. The keystroke behaviour of every human is almost unique, similar to a manuscript. Featuring the tip dynamics, has figured out the research team of the University of Regensburg. Therefore, our program in addition to tempo and rhythm measures the speed with the rarely used buttons are found,”says Florian Allwein, a spokesman of the Association of researchers. Psylock is revolutionizing the online market in the next few years, the developers believe: the area of application ranges from unique identification for access control about the security of electronic signatures to the permanent identity monitoring in the current system. Furthermore, Psylock can be embedded in Web pages and make sure that only authorized users on fee-based services can be accessed. The developers that is already very reliable system. With each further keystroke increases system safety. To keep the user’s recognition profile always up to date – he could refine his typing skills even after all – the program adapts to ever user behaviour. Currently is the team around Professor Bartmann looking for investors, marketing the software want to. The US Administration has already the security software from Bavaria on the test bench. The tests, a spokesman reported the College are very successful. City Marketing Regensburg