These actions had been of great importance for the combat the epidemic of the illness, but, to prevent a new epidemic, others measures of prevention had been adopted as a meeting enters the municipal secretaries of health and the secretary of the state where the cities had been alerted on the risks of a new epidemic in the summer of 2008/2009. Ahead of this they had been elaborated and distributed notes techniques to guide the cities in the actions of control and prevention, qualification for agents of health in the handling and operacionalizao of portable bombs to be used in the actions of blockade of focus and the cases of affection, beyond individual circular sending ex-officio alerting to the municipal managers on the situation of its city and the classification of low, average and high risk established for the health department through the adoption of some criteria. The precipitation and the temperature are the main physical condicionantes for the ploriferao of the affection in accordance with the study of these aspects, and of the manifestation months, it was observed that the time most propitious of infection this mainly enters the period of summer and winter, being that in the autumn in April that occurs one high precipitation index and high-temperature. In the autumn station the replacement of the precipitation occurs that tends to diminish in the too much stations. In the summer it is where they are the biggest indices of temperature, moreover it is in this station that they are to the minors you measured of relative umidades. The absence of rain if constitutes in the main factor for the development of the vector, however summer rains can be of great concern in this station. The climate can influence in the incidence and relapse of certain illnesses in distinct times. These diseases that afflict the man demonstrate in its incidences close coincidences with the climatic conditions and the station of the year.
Macrobiotic Food
home macrobiotic diet macrobiotic approach to health based on an ancient philosophy, in which food – our best medicine, along with the active work, physical , introspection and in general a more natural way of life. If we want to continually maintain the health of their family or help the body to fight serious illness, our food should be cooked simply, delicious, attractive and well contain a wide variety of ingredients. Cooking should be using wood or gas. These types of fuel yield smooth continuous heat and maintains the properties of food. Electrical and microwave heat created in the food chaotic vibration, and should be avoided whenever possible.
In temperate climates, which is characterized by a change of four seasons, the major macrobiotic diet based on the ancient techniques of power between East and West, includes food category: Pulses. A small amount (about 10% of the daily volume of food) are legumes and legume products such as tofu, tempeh and natto. They can be prepared separately or in combination with cereals, vegetables, sea vegetables, as well as serve as a soup. Sea vegetables. Algae are rich in minerals and vitamins, they should apply 1-2 times a day, but in a small volume (about 5%). They can just add to soups, vegetables or beans or serve as an integral part of the garnish. Vegetables. about 25 – 30% of the diet will be fresh vegetables cooked in many different ways. Every day should eat root vegetables, krugloplodnye vegetables and herbs in balanced combination.
Remodelled Techniques
These technologies make possible a new art; the art of the remodelled body. But, what it means remodelled body? To remodel in them brings the idea to reconstruct, to manipulate, through techniques that aim at its physical improvement aesthetic. (SANTAELLA, 2003, p, 282). The new concept for this art of the body aims at to the aesthetic manipulation of the surface of the body. One is about the body constructed with diverse techniques of physical improvement. Musculao, gymnastics is examples of exercises that are part of this improvement.
However, we can still add a new concept for this type of artistic construction. We also have the techniques that we can call? invasive. It is in this context that we find diverse processes that in the current society are entered into an alliance so that the new body is inserted in the conjunctural aesthetic standards. They are the modeling techniques, through the plastic surgeries, the enxertos implantations and calls. The health notion is forgotten.
Such surgical processes are made do not stop taking care of the healthful objectives, but to be fit in the word of order that is contained in a beautiful body, strong, capable to reach the perfection as goal of a society of appearances. We are, thus, ahead of the cult to the body. The exterior now starts to dominate the interior. Already it does not import more what we are, but yes, as we are and most important? as we show in them. The narcissism finds its finished expression form more. It is not only enough to be beautiful is necessary to reveal as such. It is not by chance that one affirms that I entered in crisis. What we attend, in the current society, they are unresigned people with its bodies, breaching its personality, in search of a mere manufactured body and that it is inside of established the effective standards or daily pay.
Aromatic Blends and Herbal Mixes
From antiquity, when the magicians and soothsayers were trying to look into the past and see the future with the help of ancestral spirits of his people, came to us smoking mixes. It does this through entheogens – special plants that while smoking may alter the consciousness of the magician and immerse it in a kaleidoscope of visual hallucinations. Often entheogens – those plants that are in nature, we do not even pay attention, because they understand how to lead them use of negative consequences (for example, any known hemp, red fly agaric). In the CIS countries today entheogens are sold both legally and illegally. Extremely popular Jah Rush (Ja Rush) and (Goa Spirit), which replaced replaced the popular Spice Diamond (Diamond Spice) belong to a group of legal. A lot of positive feedback in the environment rastamanov led to the emergence of Goa Spirit (Spirit of Goa), where the effect of using Goa Spirit (Goa Spirit) is highly impressive.
Goa Spirit (Spirit of Goa) – a mixture of powerful entheogens and other rare plants, which is capable of human thought to a long and at the same time mild effect. Do not make the big working to acquire a mixture of aromatic wholesale in Omsk, Volgograd: domestic online shops without any problems Goa Spirit will deliver to anywhere in Russia. Jah Rush (Rush Jha) the degree of popularity is not inferior to Goa Spirit (Spirit of Goa). Many exotic plants from around the world, is included in this mix: Verbascum Thapsus, Damiana, etc. Certainly, a prerequisite allowed Jah Rush was that when smoking Jha rush overwhelms a person a sense of harmony, confidence and peace of mind. That is why the rush to order wholesale Jah in Krasnoyarsk, Moscow and other Russian cities and foreign countries is possible without any problems.
Jah Rush (Ja Rush) came to market in spring 2009, but during that short time he and Goa Spirit (Spirit of Goa) were the most popular smoking mix in the CIS. Aromatic preparations should be noted separately. Smoking mixes, unlike them, demanded only for smoking, while the aromatic blend – for aromatherapy and fumigation of the premises. Aromatic mixture. In contrast, familiar to every incense, are a powder, often packaged in 2 or 3 grams.
Ritalina Medicine
The author approaches thematic of the indiscriminate use of the Ritalina medicine in children and the adolescents who are diagnosised with DDA/H, from the stories of the family who brings as complaint behaviors of carelessness and inquietude inside of the classroom. It raises questioning on the real necessity of this legalized drug and on the used arguments, for the doctors, to base the upheaval of attention deficit and hiperatividade. For such, it makes analysis in the ways to learn human beings, the concept of attention and activity and of the values of the society of today. Society this, that sees the citizen as an only organic being, ignoring and denying singular individual only e; causing a generalized and impersonal treatment, what it finishes for resulting in preference, for the citizen, of the medication to attenuate pain psquicaa to dialogue on its you distress.
This reality is explained through seeming of its colleague Jorge Gonalves de a Cruz who makes historical analysis of the paper of the doctor justifying because the medicine sees the patient in such a way and what it is for backwards of the great growth of the pharmaceutical industry that, for times, it creates the remedy, later the illness. After that, in it discloses its analysis to them on DSM IV, concluding that it does not have reasonable justifications for diagnosis DDA/H. making a parallel with the requirement of the school on the maintenance of the attention of the pupil and supporting themselves in the conception of floating attention used by Freud, the author in intent for the focos multiples and the diverse situations that the pupil dirige its attention today. It considers, then, a reflection on the position of psicopedagogo, ahead of the attention and the hiperatividade, alerting to us for the question of the label in children diagnosised with DDA/H, that presents the symptoms as a form to point that they are not well for the family and the school, however does not possess such upheaval, thus being does not need the medicamentoso instrument.
EU Pilot: Innovation Vouchers For Structure Weaker Regions
Funding of up to $10,000 for Web projects to enable support for structure weaker regions, access to digital technologies with the innovation voucher to even small companies as well as small – and medium-sized enterprises in the less-favoured regions of the EU launched the idea of the innovation voucher in the life. Small business should have the opportunity thereby to enhance their competitiveness and improve their growth prospects. The voucher plan to set up provides the award of innovation vouchers, which have a height not to exceed 10,000 euros. Implementation in the pilot phase of the implementation of the currently still in the pilot voucher plan will take place in coordination with local authorities of the appropriate areas. The first two areas that take advantage of the innovation voucher, are the Spanish regions of Extremadura and Murcia.
Up to the year 2014 but the voucher measure financed through EU funds will be available everywhere in Europe. What are the concrete benefits? The purpose of the voucher plan is Small businesses to provide access to know-how and technology. Also, the innovation voucher to offer specialists in innovative fields of incentives to work with small businesses and increase their market opportunities so. The plan is to be implemented by small – and medium-sized enterprises and their partners to easily and require very little overhead. Video presentation of information for regional authorities to the implementation of the plan. What can the voucher be used? Small – and medium-sized enterprises can use the voucher for innovative technologies and procedures that are offered by private companies, universities, research institutes or other service providers on the innovation, information and technology sector. The voucher, small businesses get access to specialized services. These include, inter alia: the creation and profitable use of commercial websites, support in the introduction and the use of software for Internet commerce, support in the Introduction of specialized information and communication technologies (ICT). This is useful, for example, in the planning of operation-relevant resources in the development of efficient supply chains, as well as in customer service.
New Managing Director
The 40-year Ph.d. industrial engineering followed by Ralf Dingeldein comes from the Linde material handling GmbH, where he is responsible for the Division of new vehicles since September 2008. Previously he was responsible since early 2007 at the headquarters of the KION Group in Wiesbaden for service strategies and competitor intelligence. Prior to his move to Linde material handling he headed for the Frankfurt Office of the consulting firm McKinsey over 8 years in various marketing and sales projects at major international clients in the United States, China and South Africa. Dingeldein has set itself the target, the Wambui group, which offers complete solutions for the transport, to align consistently with the needs of their customers.
I am on the new challenge”, so Dingeldein. We are our customers continues with high Competence support and pursue the same innovative and reliable business course, for which we are known for over 50 years are.” About Wambui: The Wambui Fordertechnik holding GmbH headquartered in Bremen, Germany is distributor of Linde material handling and provides innovative and customized solutions for the transport. The sale and hire include the core business of the company new and used Flurforder tools and platforms. The product portfolio is complemented by a comprehensive range of services ranging from logistics consulting, driver training, spare parts supply to the technical service. The Wambui Group employs 560 employees and maintains offices in Bremen, Bersenbruck, Schiffdorf, Wilhelmshaven, Hannover and Braunschweig Bremen haven.
Rickmers Builds Infrastructure With Bpi Solutions
Later, the company was expanded to a shipping company, as well as several Rice Mills. in 1984 the family ship activities were combined R.C.. Rickmers with the Foundation of today’s shipping company fifth generation headed by Bertram.
The Rickmers holding has 100 vessels, which containerships include the world’s largest. Better to dominate the growing E-mail communication and practical everyday work to integrate, to a single, overarching infrastructure is required. Rickmers as E-mail solution uses Microsoft Exchange and the mail archiving uses in the future worldwide for their staff dg hyparchive mail. In addition, business partners such as Harper Petersen & co. are actively involved in cooperation. The first step was the mail archiving both Rickmers Hamburg and Harper Petersen implemented in Shanghai and Hamburg. The contract was signed with bpi solutions on the basis of the award criteria.
Our demands on the software are very complex and include among others the adaptability of software in particular as regards legal and internally prescribed retention periods, as well as the expandability for future needs”, explains Jan Schellenberger, CIO of Rickmers holding GmbH & Cie. KG. The seamless integration into the existing systems to a holistic approach to archiving of all deployed applications is to carry out”decisive for the choice, added Andreas Hinz, Manager infrastructure and project leader for the global launch of the new solution. In the future, both the incoming and outgoing messages and their attachments are securely stored and archived reversion certainly using rule-based criteria. The stored information and others quickly recovered with intelligent full-text search and restored if necessary at your fingertips. And – the administrators can the desired parameters for automatic archiving of E-Mails via a central administration interface, configure and deposited in special archiving profiles. Thus, it is possible different archiving conditions to define Central and individual selection criteria to consider archiving intervals, as well as access rights according to the needs of users worldwide.
About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers 20 years successfully with a company-wide solution concept of easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and development of to the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Basis are the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, Cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions. The solutions help the indoor and field staff as well as customers fast communication channels to build and comprehensive information available to suppliers and partners. Moreover, solutions as System Integrator is bpi in the areas of business process integration, active document management and archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers such as dataglobal GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, inspire technologies GmbH, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which integrate not only systems, but also allow for business process modeling, monitor processes and evaluate results, make the optimization of business processes to provide real time information are the starting point. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage.
Yohann Jonson
To the extent that management integrates with the relevance of the empowerment that is given to workers, you will notice a behavior more proactive, more beneficial to the company, since it is a process that allows free, count and multiply with the potentialities of the personnel in order to acquire more synergy, feedback that step to trust, to yieldsproductivity and membership with the company where it works. Therefore, should not surprise us that point, empowering, is a management resource that allows to expand the media that are usually account for a job. Definitely, it is valid when it is said, that empowerment becomes the strategic tool which strengthens making, that gives meaning to work in team and leadership that allows total quality ceases to be a motivational philosophy, from the human perspective and become a system radically functional. Discussed with much assertiveness, that people who are led, directed under a process of empowerment, feel they are at the center of events and perceive that the success for the Organization, which are taken into account, considered in the company’s plans, contribute in where respects them, appreciates his performance, integration to their functions. Assumptions taken into account towards the empowerment or empowerment when management is identified with the scope, relevance of making use of the empowerment, should be attentive in comply with its premises, which as we know, must be promoted by management, Cascade and at all levels, these are: responsibility for areas or designated yields.
Control over resources, systems, methods and equipment. Control over the working conditions. Authority (within the limits defined) to act on behalf of the company. New scheme of evolution by achievements when the Manager has evaluated and considered the scope and positive impact on the changes in favour of a good culture organizational, a genuine culture characteristic of the company, in which manifests that he has generated in pro of productivity, development of the organization under his command, should take into account the characteristics of traditional companies so its opening will lead to transformations, changes that give step to a good empowerment, so consider the main symptoms that reminds us of Yohann Jonson, such as: in traditional companies place belongs to the company. Only orders are received. Your post doesn’t really matter. Not always knows if this working well, generally the indicators are not clear. You always have to stay silent.
His position is different than you are. It has little or no control over their work precisely about it should generate changes and the results will be favorable. Comments modern organizational behavior shows a new opening in the use of the authority, of power, and share it among all members of the company, committed to one goal, as it is ensure the success of the company in their operation, productivity and achievements in such a way that the efforts of working, performance benefit of all. From here. the importance of the democratic power usage giving the possibility that staff participate in decisions, objectives with an integration of values, cohesive, integrated efforts, so in that way, appears a new organizational culture that will favor the company, its achievements… Be considered, that everyone must work together to design the process of change, from senior management to line workers.
Down Syndrome
All the normal babies are different, the same occur with the carriers of the Syndrome of Down. important for the professionals of the health to early have a contact with carriers of deficiencies in general, therefore thus will only be able to acquire experience in as to take care of of this group that requires a specialized treatment. The nurses do not choose of who to take care of, are necessary to be able to take care of any patient who needs cares. THEORETICAL LANDMARK. Syndrome of Down (S.D.) is, basically, a delay of the development, as much of the motor functions of the body, as of the mental functions. A baby with S.D is little active, molinho, what we call hipotonia. The hipotonia diminishes with the time, and the child goes conquering, even so later that the others, the diverse stages of the development: as to support the head, to turn over in the bed, to engatinhar, to seat, to walk and to speak: The S.D is known popularly as Mongolism. In some countries, this expression is not more used.
The name Mongolism was given had to the folds sings in it of the eyes that remember the aspect of the people of the Mongolian race (it turns yellow). The terms ' ' mongolismo' ' , ' ' mongol' ' ' ' mongolide' ' , used he has some years to identify the Syndrome of Down and its carriers, today are considered offensive. The correct name is Syndrome of Down. The word Syndrome means a set of characteristics that the development of the person harms in some way, and Down and the last name of the doctor (John Lang Don Down) that it described this Syndrome in the last century. It has physical signals that they follow, in general, the Syndrome of Down, and therefore they help to make the diagnosis.