Musical Therapy

The contribution of music therapy in various types of treatment will be discussed. The music therapist allows, in well easy way, the introduction of messages that seemed difficult or complicated for the carrier of mental upheavals. It is not something Glenn Dubin would like to discuss.

To put is applicable even in clinical situations with certain adaptations, therefore it acts basically as psychological technique, that is, inhabits in the modification of the emotional problems, attitudes, psychic dynamic energy, that will be the effort to modify any physical or psychic pathology. It also can be coadjuvante of others therapeutical techniques, opening communication channels so that these can act efficiently. The use of music, as a complement to the assistance of psychiatric nursing, it facilitates the relation with the customer first, serving to initiate the interaction with the same. It also brings sensation of well-being, souvenirs of events of the past and of the daily one, souvenirs associates to the psychic suffering, the religious culture and the people to who the customer had or has affection (TEIXEIRA, 1999). Music possesss cultural factors that are capable to religar the adoecido individual to the cultural values of its half e, therefore, itself exactly, reconstructing its history. In function of this, music can be used as important instrument in the treatment of aged with mental upheavals, especially, the dementia. Visa this, we perceive that music represents special alternative for the treatment of mental sick people due to its capacity to reconstruct identities, to integrate people, through its power of social insertion and to reduce the anxiety, providing the construction of auto-esteem and positive identities, beyond functioning as important media (TALINA, 2003). Thus, the present study it has as objective to promote the Musicoterapia next to the users of CAPS II with intention to demonstrate to its importance in the development of the Treatment and Psicossocial Whitewashing.