Jay Khan Menderes

Honest favor or dirty quota fishing? “Just asked Germany’s largest daily newspaper, if RTL in the case of Jay Khan” maybe not too far gone is, as regards transmission behavior and clamp part evaluation for BBs jungle camp 2011, because already the next Posse promises unfold their way into our living rooms, Menderes Bagci. (TNN) The amateur singer of Turkish origin born in 1984 in Langenfeld, made in the 8.Anlauf jumping into the recall in Germany is looking for the superstar”and baffled not only his fans. B.s. himself could not believe his luck as Dieter holds out the note. tvdesk /… When B.s. eyes slowly towards hiking BBs by Dieter right to Patrick Nuo and Menderes asks whether this is a dream, only this short sequence was strikingly brilliant cut, many viewers had had probably even tears in my eyes, due the skilfully selected background music that could have been hardly appropriate. At this moment, Menderes vicariously became a symbol, for all those who actually can go further in this show that are invited only for the amusement of a fremdscham-addicted viewers municipality.

There are the gap filler, the fools, clowns and lost souls, utterly lacking the final can. They come and glory fill up 5 minutes before they are again abdicate and forget. Menderes has managed something very valuable for all these people, it now reflects the memory in each how it could be a loser sometimes to win. Menderes is an Idol, anyone watching this show knows it. His quote rich failure over the last 7 years is almost a cult, a magnificent history with only one flaw: she’s not a coincidence! Getting ahead of the Menderes Bagci – last Wednesday – is based less on his vocal quality than on the calculations apparently unscrupulous broadcasting, whose dirty quota fishing has long been an open book. To deepen your understanding cardiologist is the source. Everyone can see and hear also that a Menderes Bagci can’t win this contest, he is fragile and needs mental help, that he to can this task not only fail but also break, doesn’t matter how fully the transmitter.