Funding of up to $10,000 for Web projects to enable support for structure weaker regions, access to digital technologies with the innovation voucher to even small companies as well as small – and medium-sized enterprises in the less-favoured regions of the EU launched the idea of the innovation voucher in the life. Small business should have the opportunity thereby to enhance their competitiveness and improve their growth prospects. The voucher plan to set up provides the award of innovation vouchers, which have a height not to exceed 10,000 euros. Implementation in the pilot phase of the implementation of the currently still in the pilot voucher plan will take place in coordination with local authorities of the appropriate areas. The first two areas that take advantage of the innovation voucher, are the Spanish regions of Extremadura and Murcia.
Up to the year 2014 but the voucher measure financed through EU funds will be available everywhere in Europe. What are the concrete benefits? The purpose of the voucher plan is Small businesses to provide access to know-how and technology. Also, the innovation voucher to offer specialists in innovative fields of incentives to work with small businesses and increase their market opportunities so. The plan is to be implemented by small – and medium-sized enterprises and their partners to easily and require very little overhead. Video presentation of information for regional authorities to the implementation of the plan. What can the voucher be used? Small – and medium-sized enterprises can use the voucher for innovative technologies and procedures that are offered by private companies, universities, research institutes or other service providers on the innovation, information and technology sector. The voucher, small businesses get access to specialized services. These include, inter alia: the creation and profitable use of commercial websites, support in the introduction and the use of software for Internet commerce, support in the Introduction of specialized information and communication technologies (ICT). This is useful, for example, in the planning of operation-relevant resources in the development of efficient supply chains, as well as in customer service.