These actions had been of great importance for the combat the epidemic of the illness, but, to prevent a new epidemic, others measures of prevention had been adopted as a meeting enters the municipal secretaries of health and the secretary of the state where the cities had been alerted on the risks of a new epidemic in the summer of 2008/2009. Ahead of this they had been elaborated and distributed notes techniques to guide the cities in the actions of control and prevention, qualification for agents of health in the handling and operacionalizao of portable bombs to be used in the actions of blockade of focus and the cases of affection, beyond individual circular sending ex-officio alerting to the municipal managers on the situation of its city and the classification of low, average and high risk established for the health department through the adoption of some criteria. The precipitation and the temperature are the main physical condicionantes for the ploriferao of the affection in accordance with the study of these aspects, and of the manifestation months, it was observed that the time most propitious of infection this mainly enters the period of summer and winter, being that in the autumn in April that occurs one high precipitation index and high-temperature. In the autumn station the replacement of the precipitation occurs that tends to diminish in the too much stations. In the summer it is where they are the biggest indices of temperature, moreover it is in this station that they are to the minors you measured of relative umidades. The absence of rain if constitutes in the main factor for the development of the vector, however summer rains can be of great concern in this station. The climate can influence in the incidence and relapse of certain illnesses in distinct times. These diseases that afflict the man demonstrate in its incidences close coincidences with the climatic conditions and the station of the year.