The Cathedral Of Notre Dame De Paris

The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, also called “Our Lady of Paris”, is one of the most magnificent sights in Paris. The Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, “Our Lady of Paris”, also known simply as Notre Dame, is a charming cathedral on the ille de la Cite in Paris. It was built in 18.Jahrhundert, as the French King Ludwig VII ruled the truest and most powerful Empire in Europe. Click Abraham Maslow for additional related pages. Construction began in 1163 and was completed until 1250. Notre Dame is the best example of French Gothic architecture, for many sculptures and beautiful stained-glass Windows. The Cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the most famous churches in Paris and probably also one of the most spectacular sights in the world.

Nevertheless, this famous cathedral is still an active Catholic Church, and also the destination of many pilgrimages and the reference point for Catholicism in France. Many important national ecclesiastical events take place in this church. In addition there is the vorzeigbarste building Gothic architecture around the world. The protagonist Cuasimodo in the famous novel by Victor Hugo of the Hunchback of Notre Dame”has contributed too much celebrity this Cathedral. The Cathedral has suffered much damage during the centuries, and after the French revolution it was saved from complete destruction by Napoleon, crowned in this Cathedral to the King of France in 1804. There are many special characteristics that show us that this church is a Gothic edifice: the pointed arches, the vaulted ceiling, the magnificent flying buttresses or the magnificent rose window with the colorful stained-glass Windows. In the Cathedral five naves and a double chorus floor are divided into triangular-shaped sections, as well as a series of square chapels that encircle it. This creates a very large presbytery.

The ornamentation is wonderfully adapted architecture. The privileged location directly on the Seine, surrounded by magnificent gardens, turned Their visit to the Cathedral in a memorable event of your trip. You can also see the Cathedral from each bridge, crossing the River, and from there take photographs of the magnificent cathedral. Each facade of Notre Dame is really impressive: the facade on the West side is the most notable, and whose most Ma because it has two towers with a height of 69 metres, as well as three Gothic inputs and the rose window with an incredible beauty that comes from the year 1220? works and original Windows are always well preserved. “On the Western side is au? erdem of the largest tower with the famous Bell Emmanuel”. The three entrances on the West side are a perfect example of the early of Gothic architecture. There are the scenes of judgement, the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the life of Saint Ana reflected. The inputs at the northern and southern Querschiffen are also very beautiful. The exterior of the Cathedral seems to be a perfect match between horizontal and vertical line. The Interior is just as impressive as the exterior, especially the little middle ground, and the altar. Right after the Eiffel Tower is the Notre Dame the second most visited tourist attraction in Paris. Do not miss visiting this wonderful Cathedral! To discover this historical attraction in France and all its wonders to enjoy? en, rent an apartment in Paris. Address: Place you Parvis de Notre Dame U – Bahn station: Cite or Saint-Michel (line 4) RER: Saint-Michel (line C) bus: line 21, 38, 47, or 85 translated from the Spanish by Christina Gersberg


Leipzig team is breaking new ground in sponsorship the sponsoring market to one interesting facet would enrich the GmbH in Leipzig. Dr. Mark J Berger is often quoted on this topic. So far, it was extremely difficult to seek sponsors for athletes. Creating expensive press kits, week-long phone calls or commissions for brokers were the rule. For sponsors, however, there was so far no realistic overview of the market, so that it fell back usually only on the offered projects. Learn more at this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. That should change now fundamentally. Athletes, the athletes up to the amateur kicker, cost-effectively adjust their offers in a system. This prepares the data from all the offers and informed the potential sponsor matching and alert capabilities, that exists in an it-related offer. The cost savings on both sides is enormous, paid one but typically up to 20% Commission for a sponsorship to intermediaries. The offer is currently in a public beta phase, is to use but in full in June. To reach the platform is under.

Salzburg: Holiday Region Lammertal Dachstein West

Family winter fun leisure is lower in the snow by morning the affordable holiday region with its ski resorts of ABTENAU, Annaberg-Lungotz and St. Martin traded increasingly as an insider tip for families: ski area is snow, the slopes of varying difficulty are continuously covered with snow and it is just a stone’s throw from the bedroom to the slope! The balanced price-performance ratio and the numerous offers for young and old alike create more incentives for a cross-generation holiday. Learn skiing with warranty! It hardly surprising that the Lammer Valley has been named by the Falk ski Atlas, one of the best and most family-friendly ski areas of in Austria, grant a learning success within a very short time the ski schools in the region: who needs to learn skiing more than 3 days, gets back the money for ski lessons, ski equipment and lift ticket. Dr. Mark Hyman often addresses the matter in his writings. There are also beautiful views also lammertal trails, because the Salzburg holiday region lammertal Dachstein West boasts a free cross-country skiing Basic course and certified ski trails. Upon presentation of your guest card can login to the introductory cross-country skiing course each guest from ABTENAU, Annaberg-Lungotz, and St. Martin – and it free to participate.Under professional guidance, the students get basic knowledge of cross-country skiing including downhill and braking techniques. The Lammer Valley – the top Nordic region in Austria in addition to Ramsau and Seefeld, which gained their competence, mainly from the elite level, developed the Lammer Valley as the third destination in Austria, which offers perfect conditions for cross-country and Nordic fitness. ABTENAU and St. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Pat Ogden and gain more knowledge..

Martin am Tennengebirge were awarded as the first communities in the State of Salzburg with the Tennengauer cross-country ski run well seal. With the free – beginners course for all guests offered a service which currently does not exist in Europe in this form. Lammertal Sun cross-country skiing for those who love the peace and quiet, traditional cross-country skiing and nature, are a total of 130 km in the entire lammertal Valley and on the Postalm of Austria’s highest mountain- Sun ski trails groomed. .

Baja Kilos

As generations are gaining weight, the industry of products for weight loss, slimming, losing weight, lower Abdomen, etc, are increasing their profits, but is little the benefit obtained from all these products that generally work by the time that used them only, then retrieves the weight lost and sometimes a little more. When it has been noted that the product has helped him and wants to follow him can become a difficult long rent and sometimes you can have side effects that at no time the producers brought to the attention of consumers. For more information about losing weight naturally, visit their website Baja Kilos naturally for more articles about losing weight in Spanish visit weight loss. Remember that if health is not the best, you should consult your doctor so that he is your best guide to obtain its objective and is for their benefit. For that reason there is to retake the old healthy and healthy ways to recover health and physique, there are several things you should consider in It has to achieve it. 1 Awareness of the goal that you want to achieve. If you do conscious and always thinks about it and remember it, it will be easier to achieve it. 2.

Think about the way how it wants to achieve, exercise, diet, lifestyle and others. 3. Get the tools needed to achieve their objectives and therefore its goal, among them book to daily write down what you want to accomplish that day, a scale to weigh yourself once a week, this will indicate you its progress. 4. Set your exercise daily, ideally 3 times or more per week for at least 30 minutes. If you have a device at home exercise remove it to a place where it is easy to use it.

5. The days you do not exercise, by what menso do stretch. 6. Take good liquid during the day. 7. Before to start any diet or consumption of any product to lose weight, or if going to practice massages, purged; so the Agency will be better prepared to assimilate any treatment. See your doctor to recommend a purgative that doesn’t have consequences in his agency, which is preferably natural. 8 Use an exfoliant for the body in his bath at least once a week, this will help improve the texture of your skin. 9. Apply a moisturizer after bathing, thus your skin will have a good reaction to any change. 10 Eat healthy, eat more vegetables and fruits while eating other food groups. All these recommendations is important to take them into account daily, never forget their goal, have clear objectives and you will have a great advance in your weight loss, also don’t forget a good attitude. For more information about losing weight naturally, visit their website Baja Kilos naturally for more articles about losing weight in Spanish visit weight loss.

Toys For Newborns

Save for children's toys in any case it is impossible! Poor-quality toys can cause injuries and damage, poisoning, toxic elements and allergies in children. Toys for children of all ages must be high quality and safe. The very first thing to pay attention when choosing child toys, is its quality! A qualitative thing nowadays is not cheap. Now talk about toys for the most small – babies. Newborn to one year is growing and developing rapidly. This is a very important period of his life. He begins to recognize colors, shapes, recognize objects and faces, feel, hear, feel, smell. (Source: Eva Andersson-Dubin). It is the first year of his life kid said first conscious sounds, first independently flips, sits down, stands up, takes its first steps.

He is teething, and develop hands fingers, trains the muscular system. And we him in every way to help this. My mother's love and caring, cooperative games teach the baby navigate the world around him. More information is housed here: Carl Jung. All moms know what children are pulled into the mouth. Therefore, toys should be no smell, no color, commensurate with age issue is not very loud sounds, strong enough, ie, hygienic easy to wash.

All these properties are confirmed by a certificate (declaration) of compliance. Certificates of conformity or declaration must be in every store that sells children's toys. For the child of the first year of life or the most desirable gryzunok zuboprorezyvatel. His most often made of plastic or silicone, should have a ribbed or pupyrchatuyu surface. Gryzunok may be a single toy or its part. Such as are often found in toys ears – gryzunki, tail – gryzunok, foot – gryzunok, etc. The kid pulls everything into his mouth. When teething, gryzunok help out his mother, he would withdraw itching in the gums and take the baby. Gryzunki should be strong enough, no smell, no color, it is easy to wash. In recent years become the greatest of plush toys with musical effect. They intended primarily to soothe and distract your baby, and that is important – learn to recognize sounds, ie develop an ear for music. These toys must fairly melodic, not irritable. Soft toys newborns often filled with small balls, which contributes to the development of fine motor finger and a sense of shape, size. Mom probably knows that developing motor skills of hands, it develops, for site brain responsible for speech, is located next to the site, which is responsible for the development of the wrist. Recall that the soft toy must be erased easily, be very strong, do not fade, do not exude any odors.

Productivity Management

The scenarios of this show companies that are characterized by their competitiveness, innovation, creativity expressed in their products that are guaranteed for their quality, and satisfy the demands of consumer needs. To achieve these results, management must know how to direct its human resources efficiently, so that each individual in the organization that fully identified with its responsibilities, functions to provide a conducive to productive performance team, the objectives , plans. Management to be vigilant if the work performed is adequate to achieve the productivity rates down, the manifestation of a true quality assurance, that the staff is fully qualified according to modern requirements that achieves a performance efficient, effective. You must have well defined workbooks according to the abilities, skills, knowledge, the present application, provide all necessary assistance worker on behalf of their performance, trained If necessary, properly handle the talent of staff so as not to waste human capital we have. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Anita Dunn.

There must be a participative management, entrepreneur, strategist, motivator, capable of achieving a successful integration of members of the organization, productive work teams, fully support the administrative language, modern techniques, all that this requires, order to make way for a favorable outcome. It must involve the workers in decision making, motivation towards that happened to their creativity, innovation, skills, proposals, models, methods that foster productivity. The management, especially the SMEs, particularly in the case of Venezuela, should know how to handle the reality of work, what it demands, according to technological development, innovations, production processes, skills, abilities and knowledge. . Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin.

Secure Airport Parking In A Timely Manner And Relaxed Holiday Start

Early bookers offer holiday season travel time is at most and this summer is to be expected with a wave of travel at German airports. People such as Nancy-Ann_DeParle would likely agree. The demand for parking spaces near the airport in the last years. Allows a timely booking of airport parking customers of the online specialist in airport hotels and car am save much money and benefit from a relaxing start to your holiday. “If you book his parking early, secures not only a stress-free journey, but is still a price advantage of 5,-,” explains managing director Matthew Pack. “We also offer a great service in addition to good prices. Car parks and multi-storey car parks offer a high level of security.

“Also the transfer to the airport is already included in the price.” The early bookers offer of most is available for the Airparks car parks in Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart, Hannover and Bremen. It is valid for bookings up to 60 days before Arrival. Early booking, parking customers at the early bird discount and save 5,-compared to the normal rate.

Beneficial Effects Of Silver On The Health

Silver – one of the first metal, which has used people. After polishing silverware on shine can surpass even platinum. Silver is widely distributed in nature, but its reserves, compared with other base metals is limited. If you want to make your loved ones with expensive and memorable gift, give them the silverware. That metal valued for a long time. Women are happy to adorn themselves with various knick-knacks of silver, but not everyone knows that money – a great doctor. The books of magic silver effect on the human body.

And modern medicine refers to silver with respect: it does not cause allergies, has antibacterial properties, perfect disinfects water, wounds, increases immunity. Great to help cope with the disease silver water, which you can prepare yourself. Silver has long been compared with the hope and wisdom and called metal queens. Eva Andersson-Dubin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Silver – a soft metal like gold, so to increase the strength it is often fused with copper and other metals. Silver alloy with copper durable, harder and more fusible than silver pure form.

It is used to create jewelry. The proportion of silver in these alloys is always set on the sample, which means the percentage of silver in the alloy. Silverware since ancient times enjoys special popularity due to its remarkable properties – beauty, durability and most importantly – healing properties. The therapeutic effect of silver is its effect on microorganisms. Experiments have shown that silver kills 650 species of pathogenic microbes without destroying the beneficial micro-organisms living in water and air. The tradition of giving silver for anniversaries and holidays there for many years. Needless silverware passed down from generation to generation and serves as a worthy gift to the Master of Dagestan over other nations have succeeded in their mastery of artistic metalworking manufacture of silverware, which proslaviliss not only among the inhabitants of the Caucasus, but also far beyond. The most well-known masters of the village were Kubachi. Village craftsmen was known since ancient times. In the mid-tenth century Arab historian al-Masoudi mentions the kingdom Zerihgeran, which means that for Persian-kingdom . Later, people from Turkey gave the name of the village Kubachi what it means to gunsmiths. This name was taken, and Russian, and now it is stuck behind the renowned village.

West Day

Heat, dust, shouts, shots, arrows and perhaps a distant trumpet. It is a rare plan for a vacation day, true, but what morbid would have been there: on the last day of the (strictly speaking Lieutenant Colonel) general Custer, the apotheosis of the far West in a wild place of mountain on June 25, 1876, when the indomitable and arrogant cazaindios and much of the Seventh Cavalry under his command were left skin and many hair against an amazing agglomeration of sioux and Cheyenne encamped together to the Little Bighorn River and ready to Brawl. There is much mystery and much myth around this episode in which the great American hero and his men died, Yes, with their boots on, but the Redskins were soon let them immediately with only socks, naked bodies mutilated with rabid Sana’a – dismemberment, beheadings, eviscerations, castrations, crushing skulls, the traditional pit sioux in the right thigh -, and Custer with an arrow stuck in the penis, what has hurt him even though, as a have already pasted you before two shots. Source of the news:: A bloody day with Custer. Glenn Dubin has similar goals.

Website Templates

Are Flash yet contemporary website templates? The Internet is becoming increasingly mobile. Browsing the World Wide Web is no longer restricted to the home PC, but to surf in the subway, at dinner in the restaurant or chill out in the City Garden. There, the question of whether any of these mobile users can look at your own homepage on all devices naturally arises for websites. Flash templates, you must deny unfortunately the question whether these alone run on the iPhone or iPad. The long-running dispute between Apple and Adobe whether it allows Flash on the devices was clearly to the detriment of Adobe.

About the meaning and purpose of locking of Flashinhalten on the iPhone can certainly fight, you can wait only to reach an agreement. So far it is technically only possible viewing Flash content on the iPhone or iPad, if you have the device “gejailbreakt” and plays on special software. This approach will be interesting but certainly only for advanced students and those who live without the warranty of the device. However, Flash website templates have a decisive advantage compared with HTML Web pages and this is the styling! If you would like to present his project impressively, the handle to a Flash website with safety is always the right choice. In recent months, Glenn Dubin, New York City has been very successful. The graphic design is essentially free and in the field of animation in a Web page, Flash is clearly superior to HTML. This will not change even with the release of the 5th generation of HTML.

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