About The Power

What is power? By: Orlando Lozada if we talk about power is almost impossible to not think about the conception that has handled Michael Foucault on it, this conception is up today so controversial since it breaks the paradigms established by the common, first of all, Foucault begins saying with what is not able to, and this establishes, that power does not belong to any hierarchical structure (unthinkable)is not centralized in charge or institutions (in serious?), is not static (i.e. do all we exercise it?). Power is intangible, it is scattered everywhere, and all possess a share of this power to extent exert some kind of interest will then be transformed into some kind of action or practice. Power one person has it but we all exercise it, and with this concept breaks with other related relations of dominador-dominado paradigm, where these do not exist, due to that both exert a kind of power and a kind of force that is dependent on the interests and goals to achieve. With this concept enters the figure of resistance, which should be conceived not as opposed to power, but as another form of power that is equally fragmented in all of us and its purpose is to make it impossible that the power is exercised above self-interest. This resistance can be used in various ways, not necessarily through violence, but of cultural form, thinking and even unconsciously. And unlike the power that badly relates to the ability of oppression or domination, resistance looks in those exercising them to guarantee a space for social actors involved to coexist. So that beyond engaging in qualify us as dominated – dominant u oppressor-oppressed, (something that if I believe that he exists and that he is engaged in a blatant way) is time to become aware of power, and that all human beings can understand that power is not located in the institutions, but the power It is centralized in each of us (remember that all institutions are human creations and therefore we can dispense with them), and while there are people who want to dominate us through these institutions, we can always exercise resistance to them. In relationships of power each person you can and why such power will never be static. The fascination of the madhouses, prisons and schools is that, for once, the power is not hidden or masked, shown as tyranny in the smallest details. Michael Foucault original Autor and source of the article.