Currently it is possible that a substantial and important are low basic energy consumption in the above areas without diminishing the quality of services, and even better in some cases, if correct policies are logical and necessary signatures. It affects and favorably as to the impact on the environment, including as it relates to, as currently discussed, the problem of global warming. There are already at this time, many countries, due to high consumption coupled with limited energy production, are forced to resort to the importation of a good part of the energy they consume. If true, as we've seen that used in a major new technologies have been available for several years, it would be possible to reduce power consumption at a rate of 55%, in line with estimates by the Energy Research Institute Electric, the United States for quite some time (Department of Energy USA. Annual Energy Review 1991), and which has proved a logical way forward.
An important example is the technology concerning the energy applied in lighting, which in recent years has undergone enormous changes, which we can see even in the evolution that has been used light bulbs in common until a few years and have invaded and now, almost entirely, the illumination of homes. To deepen your understanding Ahmed Shary Rahman is the source. We can also note the great advance had on public and commercial lighting, even when the latter is to be noted that it has surpassed the simple function of light, to reach a stage of combination of advertising, much of which is no longer just night with large neon signs and all-reporting option now in commercial use. No doubt you are having a big change from the time of the incorporation of light called in common parlance as fluorocente or at the time also called "cold light", which at the time was considered a great leap in the life of some communities on the planet. It has also been tremendous advances in insulation systems, such as windows, better every day, to allow the passage of light, but preserve the passage of cold and heat. The new air conditioning and refrigeration equipment in addition to the above and other applications of isolation, have managed to bring down energy consumption by up to 90% compared to the equipment used for some years. There is no doubt that this is an important and interesting topic, but this time they will be fighting for issues such as leaving the relationship for energy / transport, different sources of energy available, or to go into the eternal discussion between the pros and cons of nuclear energy.