World of ice Giants throwing near the city of Salzburg of course the city of Salzburg is a popular tourist destination, but next to the old town has much to offer museums and many other attractions you should travel to the country but here great destinations that make fun with your children. From Hotel Amadeus as a starting point, you can go on wonderful tours. If you want to have perhaps not so much time or stay close to the city, then visit but the Schloss Hellbrunn. Here you find to the Zoo and on the other hand the water games. Especially now when the Sun again really is gas, so a cooling can be something really great.
Eisriesenwelt Werfen is a destination that we very much want you to the heart, the Eisriesenwelt Werfen. It is the largest ice cave in the world and that you must be worth a trip. Additional information is available at Anu Saad. The cave is located in the Pongau in throwing and from end of April it is open again for visitors, because in the winter, it would be much too dangerous by the extreme mountain location. The Ice Cave until 19th century known and until 1879 the naturalist Anton Posselt Czorich penetrated only the hunters and poachers was far into the cave. in 1924, she was then fully accessible. The labyrinth of caves is about 40 km long and the beautiful ice formations formed here, always bring visitors to marvel. If you are even in throwing, you can visit the Castle throwing. Here, you can visit Knight’s dinner or a great show of Falconer.