Treatments For Incontinence

Incontinence of urgency consists of the sudden urgency and/or exit of urine. Mixed incontinence the combination of both types mentioned above. Incontinence by spillage the incapacity to drain its bladder completely. Functional incontinence physical Problems as arthritis can delay the goings to the bath. Great Advances in Treatments Referring to the different options from treatment available for urinary incontinence, the Dr. Maiti comments: ” At the moment vanguard treatments exist, like the surgery of minimum invasion using ” slings” , which is placed via vaginal in ambulatory form under local anesthesia and sedacin.” ” After the surgery my life change from one day to the next, I can today say that it suffered yesterday of incontinence, no longer ” to it; , it comments the Mrs Olivia, that had more than 10 years suffering of incontinence with 2 previous operations. This new technique, consists of placing a device with a tape of enmeshes or sling extreme light underneath uretra average so that it acts like a support when it sneezes or tose.

This obstructs the opening of uretra and thus it avoids the loss of urine. This procedure is called ” it frees of tensin” because suture is not used. This technique offers a 90% of success. Also it has stop index of success in surgeries of prolapse like fallen bladder, cistocele, fallen rectum, rectocele, uterine prolapse reduction of the uterus, enterocele- hernia of intestine through the vagina using prothesis special, with which it offers a permanent result. It concludes the Dr. Maiti: ” With the new techniques of treatment it is possible to assure an increase in the quality life of the patients by means of procedures of minimum invasion; the important thing is that these women know that they count on these options, and that do not doubt in approaching a specialist for conocerlas”.


A natural cure for fibroids should be the option of choice for women who suffer the terrible symptoms that can lead to this condition. Surgery can be expensive and painful, and except for a hysterectomy, this is not the permanent solution that many women think that it is. While surgery can and gets rid of fibroids, there is nothing that prevents recurrence of grow because the surgery is not what causes them. Fibroids are certainly very common, affecting more than 50% of women around the world. They are much more common in women Afro Caribbean, while no one knows exactly why this happens. The symptoms are frequently noted somewhere between 30 and 40 years.

While some women are barely noticeable and not worth treating them, for others the symptoms can be very debilitating and include heavy menstrual periods (which can lead to anemia) inflammation, bladder and bowel problems and even infertility. Nobody knows the exact cause of fibroids, but there is a consensus of opinions of those who believe that there are certain common factors that may be present in women have fibroids, and these include: * women who have had multiple pregnancies * family history of fibrosis * those who have a poor diet * women who are overweight * women with allergies or chronic infections. * A significant stress in life * women with high estrogen levels * women not doing much physical activity a natural cure for fibroids will take into account the factors listed previously and therefore women who have fibroids are advised that carry a balanced diet and much exercise. In addition, stress management and relaxation techniques are usually advised. While natural estrogen levels are not possible change, worth knowing that many pollutants can replicate the action of estrogen in the body and it is therefore logical that a good detoxification plan can also help as part of a complete cure for fibroids natural. The fibroids are a very rare and dangerous condition and you therefore don’t have to hurry up in some forms of treatment such as surgery, until you have considered all your options. Certainly it is worth trying to cure their fibroids naturally since this means that you could avoid invasive treatments at all. Natural healing takes the form of a simple 7 step plan that is simple to follow and which has worked very successfully for more than 87% of women who have tried this.

In addition, this fully guaranteed that in the unlikely event that you this not satisfied, you can ask for a refund no questions asked. Unlike treatment with surgery and drugs, this natural cure for fibroids simply requires an investment of time and effort. This can pay big dividends if you are prepared to follow him. Please visit cure fibroids for more details.


In life, all social classes are prone to suffer from diseases, but those of low economic resources are the most vulnerable, since they do not have sufficient resources to cover expenditure required to improve your health with. Hemorrhoids is a disease that is in progress and can be converted into something very dangerous, why is good to always have around homemade solutions to hemorrhoids, which are economic so that everyone has access to it. We all know that the best solution is prevention, that is why it is recommended:-eat less food with many seasonings, because this makes the feces lose its soft consistency. -Continually, take fruit juice helps in good digestion and provides the liquid enough for a better intestinal transit. But in case that we have neglected our health and already suffer from hemorrhoids is advisable to other methods, we have:-peel a potato or known also as potato, and cut it into small pieces with a round end, giving it the consistency of a suppository and setting for a time in zone damaged. -We can apply every 6 hours a day in a poultice with fresh cheese.

-Also it is very efficient to prepare an ointment on the basis of Chamomile combined with rose petals, apply on the affected area, passing a little sphincter, because this mixture does not produce irritation and reduces swelling. -Prepare turnip or carrot juices. We recommend taking this two or three times a day, and is more preferable half an hour after each meal. Homemade solutions for hemorrhoids already mentioned, help in the inflammation of the wounds at an early stage, and to calm down when it is in an advanced stage. We must know that hemorrhoids more evolved, so let’s apply these homemade solutions, they cannot cure and even following these tips, our lives are in danger and the only solution is surgery.