Down Syndrome

All the normal babies are different, the same occur with the carriers of the Syndrome of Down. important for the professionals of the health to early have a contact with carriers of deficiencies in general, therefore thus will only be able to acquire experience in as to take care of of this group that requires a specialized treatment. The nurses do not choose of who to take care of, are necessary to be able to take care of any patient who needs cares. THEORETICAL LANDMARK. Syndrome of Down (S.D.) is, basically, a delay of the development, as much of the motor functions of the body, as of the mental functions. A baby with S.D is little active, molinho, what we call hipotonia. The hipotonia diminishes with the time, and the child goes conquering, even so later that the others, the diverse stages of the development: as to support the head, to turn over in the bed, to engatinhar, to seat, to walk and to speak: The S.D is known popularly as Mongolism. In some countries, this expression is not more used.

The name Mongolism was given had to the folds sings in it of the eyes that remember the aspect of the people of the Mongolian race (it turns yellow). The terms ' ' mongolismo' ' , ' ' mongol' ' ' ' mongolide' ' , used he has some years to identify the Syndrome of Down and its carriers, today are considered offensive. The correct name is Syndrome of Down. The word Syndrome means a set of characteristics that the development of the person harms in some way, and Down and the last name of the doctor (John Lang Don Down) that it described this Syndrome in the last century. It has physical signals that they follow, in general, the Syndrome of Down, and therefore they help to make the diagnosis.