The care of the black and mainly long hair implies long time and expenses, because many products promise the perfect hair to us, in my case I have used from revitalizadoras creams to comb, hourglasses, special cream treatments, conditioners and champs as well as possible to conserve the natural color of my hair. This is not easy, because when occupied oily products, had to avoid to leave to the sun or this it warmed up the product and towards which my hair bleached, in my case it enchants the dark black color of my hair and this of frustrated, I even thought about using dyes to darken it or to decorate it to a dark brown tone to avoid so many problems when taking care of it and to cut it, something that did not do grace to me. Recently it listens to of the oil of argn a product that in spite of being oil is not greasy, therefore it is absorbed nourishing weaves easily, so it investigates a little more about the subject and I have here what I have found: The oil of argn is a product of completely natural origin that is extracted of artisan form of the fruit of the tree of argn, by cooperatives of women which obtain not only the sustenance for them and its families but also education. This oil is conformed by essential oils, vitamin and, lupeol, fitoesteroles, and other compounds that grant unique properties to him between oils of vegetal origin. The oil of argn for to the hair leaves it smooth, shining, at the same time as it fortifies it and it gives health him, also it fights and it prevents the alopecia and the dandruff. Orzuela hydrates the hair from the root to the end avoiding and the friz, lupeol that contains the oil of argn foments the queratina formation, by the same causes that the hair grows healthy and strong.